Those of all religious persuasions and of none can appreciate the issues of human meaning and identity the book raises. Highly recommended. —Library Journal
The Centers for Disease Control reports that more than 20 million people in the United States are currently diagnosed with cancer, and 1.4 million people will be diagnosed in the coming year. At some point in their lives, virtually everyone is touched by this disease, and every patient, survivor, family member, and friend will find hope, strength, and comfort in Now That I Have Cancer, I Am Whole.
Throughout this moving account, survivor John McFarland shares his Everyman approach to everyday life with cancer in brief meditations full of unflinching honesty, humor, and optimism. This revised edition also shares McFarland's continued relationship with cancer, seeing it through his eyes as a grandfather to one-year-old Joey, who struggles to fight a rare and ravaging form of the disease.